Guitar Wiring Thread Index
Guitarnuts2 began as a family-friendly forum for guitarists who thought "good enough", wasn't quite good enough. Wide in scope of Guitar-related topics, a little bit of everything was discussed. However, one thing soon set GN2 apart from other forums - the creativity in designing new Guitar Wiring schemes. This forum has been blessed with people who dared to go beyond the state of the art, always pushing the envelope. Many excellent designs are finished products in the Guitar Wiring subforums.

Some of the threads in the main Guitar Wiring board aren't all that interesting. Others tell a story of the evolution of an idea which may have panned out. It's a mixed bag containing some Easter Eggs which never found their way to the subforums.

Navigation: The links are in chronological order. You can jump to a year or scroll through the entirety or CTRL-F on your browser to search for a particular word in the title. Unlike the forum search, you can't look deeper than the title itself. But often this will take you where you want to go, and it will do so in a more expedient manner. Clicking on a thread name will open a new tab. You can return to the tab with this page to look for another thread.

(Our thanks to staff members Yogi B and reTrEaD for coding and compiling this.)