I've wired a guitar using the lonestar schematic here:
I have just have two questions. The first one is, how does it
actually coil tap 'automatically' at position four if red/white
are soldered together on one of the poles?
Secondly, I've added a coil tap switch to this so I can coil
tap the humbucker in position five if I like. I've put a wire
from the pole on the 5-way to the common terminal of a
DPDT push-pull pot. The white wire (-) from the humbucker
is wired to that same terminal and the red wire (+) is
wired to the down-position terminal. This achives the
same as soldering white and red together on the 5-way
terminal in the down position and then splits them on
the up position.
I've only 'tap' tested the guitar but this combination appears
to work except in position four with the tap switch turned
What appears to happen is the screw coil is tapped 'automatically'
in position four with the coil tap off but the push-pull is
tapping the slug coil, this appears to make position four
with the push-pull up the middle pickup only.
I haven't strung it or played it yet so it all might sound 'thin' and
horrible due to phase issues but in theory, I think this is right.
Any other ideas on how to tap the slug coil or make position four
include a bridge pickup when split?